Raw / Rare (LP)

Threat From The Past Records - 24 €

NEUROOT from Arnhem, The Netherlands were one of the most (political) active bands in the dutch Eighties Punk, Hardcore scene, next to LÄRM, NO PIGS, STANX, B.G.K., ... one of the best known bands coming from The Netherlands (maybe from Europe) for shure. In spring 2022 (final date not shure yet) THREAT FROM THE PAST will release a compilation LP + CD (CD will include different tracks) including tons of rare and raw material (mosty live) recorded from 1982 - 1988, as bonus the legendary "Right Is Might" EP from 1986 is added. As there are no test pressings for CD´s the test pressing will come without the CD. All songs (except the tracks on the EP) were restored from original tapes and remastered by Henning Prochnow in Germany. All the LP (and CD) artwork was done by Marcel Stol (NEUROOT) and Bernd Spring (ULCEROUS, PHLEGM, DEEP) from Germany, who did all final graphic preparation for the pressing plant.